Things I like - Chan Chop

Why create when I already have the following sites:
That's a good question... there are a lot of things that I like and I like to do, but I've not had the time or rather, the outlet to pen them, and I like to think that things I enjoy doing could inspire someone else out there to experience the same as well. Hi, Impact!
Also, I take alot of photos - perhaps it is an obsession, or maybe, heady with the power to record our world, with camera phones that can video or record voices, I want to be heard.
Having an online record is both easy and one day, valuable in the sense that in 2032 when we are old and gray, we can look back and marvel at how it was...when we were young.
But I ramble, so do check out the rest of the site where it is more straightforward, with loads more photos!
That's a good question... there are a lot of things that I like and I like to do, but I've not had the time or rather, the outlet to pen them, and I like to think that things I enjoy doing could inspire someone else out there to experience the same as well. Hi, Impact!
Also, I take alot of photos - perhaps it is an obsession, or maybe, heady with the power to record our world, with camera phones that can video or record voices, I want to be heard.
Having an online record is both easy and one day, valuable in the sense that in 2032 when we are old and gray, we can look back and marvel at how it was...when we were young.
But I ramble, so do check out the rest of the site where it is more straightforward, with loads more photos!
A Brief introduction to my world...things I like!
The search bar on your right means you can search for anything you want, really quickly, right here from my blog. I felt the need to put one on every page, so that whatever you are looking for can be found easily. It does keyword searching, so as long as the word appears in the post, you will get to read all related posts. Food Porn I like food, and I love taking photos of my food. Yes, it is a crazy addiction, but that's just me! Follow me as I explore the world through my palate, and the categories on the right helps you make a decision on what to eat for the day - if you prefer cheap eats, just click on that to see a whole list of them! Enjoy restaurants? Click on restaurants... at a specific location? Find the location and just click! Faraway Travels Since I was a child, my parents had taken me to far off lands and I've always enjoyed the experience. Now, I regularly take off on my own to meet up with friends overseas, and experience different cultures at the same time. Travelling alone gives you time to reflect and enjoy the views without being hurried to head elsewhere, and I really love travelling alone, meeting up with friends along the way. Adventures in Singapore Lah Lots of things to do in Singapore and no time to write all about them. Will try my best to sit down and pen as many experiences down as possible! Doing it blog styled seems the simplest, and here, you will get to read about "touristy" places as well as places that I think are interesting. From time to time, I may write about adventures that you can go via mrt / bus / taxi too. Alot of people think that Singapore is devoid of things to do, but actually, there is lots to explore in Singapore too, you just need to keep an open mind! I've also started a new section showcasing businesses and products created by Singaporeans, and I will be interviewing some interesting personalities too. Get Techie Sometimes there are apps out there that help you do things faster or easier. Whenever I find an especially good one, I will post it up together with a review. Do check it out every now and then, something interesting might be there! I've recently bought the Galaxy S4 as well, so expect to see reviews of some Android Apps as well as comparison reviews for the same apps on both the Iphone as well as the Android platform! Me, Wo, Chan This is all about things I do to myself, from beauty treatments to DIY manicure to slimming creams. Things that make me happy or interesting products to make one look better will be featured here too, so do read on! I've added a list of all the articles I have ever written on the sidebar here, so hopefully it makes it easier to find and read something interesting! What started off as a hobby has become a pretty much full fledged writing stint and I would like to thank all have helped me cross the 50k page views mark in just one year, so I've decided to take on paid reviews and hopefully, start giving away some interesting experiences and vouchers to all you wonderfully loyal readers! Some advertisers were asking for my stats, so I actually went to google developers to find out. I was pretty amazed that in four months, I had 4316 clicks and 282,631 page impressions! So here there are, from Jan to April 2015.
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